RTMM heartbeat | Power-on and power-off sequencing. | - If the LED blinks at 1Hz, it is functioning properly and no action
is necessary.
- If the LED is not blinking, (trained technician only) replace
the system board.
IMM2 heartbeat | IMM2 heartbeat boot process. | The following steps describe the different
stages of the IMM2 heartbeat sequencing process. - When this LED is blinking fast (approximately 4Hz), this indicates,
that the IMM2 code is in the loading process.
- When this LED goes off momentarily, this indicates that the IMM2
code has loaded completely.
- When this LED goes off momentarily and then starts blinking slowing
(approximately 1Hz), this indicates that IMM2 is fully operational.
You can now press the power-control button to power-on the server.
- If this LED does not blink within 30 seconds of connecting a power
source to the server, (trained technician only) replace the system